Ok so I am sick of this room & looking out of this ONE window. The food sucks & I want something HOMEMADE, not given to me on a tray. The mom's of patients here get to eat for free 3 times a day & that's nice. It would be better if they gave me the money & I got to run across the street to Copeland's.
Jax's breathing is good. He is doing breathing treatments every 2 hours, once a day steroids, another antibiotic, suctioning of his nose. The Dr's are going to watch him today & make a decison about him possibly going home today. I hope so. I miss my bathtub & my bed. The couch here is hard & leather & SMALL. All night the nurses come in for vitals & breathing treatments so I can't sleep. Plus, Landon is sleeping across the room so when he snores, I have to YELL across the room for him to pipe down. Instead of the usual kick to the ribs I usually dish out. =]
We will probably have to go to Tulane tomorrow for his CF doctors to lay eyes on him. That's fine. A little drive to New Orleans won't hurt.
Jax has the most adorable St. Patrick's Day romper to wear....
AT HOME. Ugh. I guess he can wear it tomorrow. Who cares, right?
So I guess I will go back to watching the news &stories about AIG & how the government needs to grow some balls & tell those selfish you-know-what's to give the money back.