Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March Tulane Trip

Today was Jax's every-3-month Tulane visit. & again, he completely surpassed the numbers the Dr's set for him. He weighed in @ 17# 12 oz. (which I think is WRONG bc his pediatricians office had THAT number 2 weeks ago.) He is in the 75th percentile for weight & proportion. This is up from 45% in January. Dr. Hopkins said he is what they want to see a CF baby look like & that developmentally he is "way beyond his chronological age". Him smart.

We were there all of 30 min. Short visits are a good thing. =]

Jax doesn't like elevators, we learned today. He would be fine, then we would step in a elevator & wwwaaaAAHHHHHHH!! I mean, bottom lip out, tears, the whole nine. Then we would get out & he was fine. He has done that a lot lately. Just all of a sudden SCREAM!! & then we go comfort him & then he is ok.


Might be teeth? .I still don't know why the sudden out of nowhere shrill.

Anyway, here a few pictures. A few of his new teef. Yes. TEEF. The rest are from Tulane & him "going to work".


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